Descriptions Of Our Services
Please find below a list of our regular weekly services along with a small descripton as to what to expect from each service.
In addition to our regular weekly services there are services held in church to celebrate important dates in the churches calendar.

Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer
(Currently 3rd Sunday of the month)
At this service we use the Book of Common Prayer (The Prayer Book). It is a said service which lasts for about forty minutes. Those who attend this service appreciate the traditional language that is found in the Prayer Book whilst worshipping in a quieter setting.

Sunday 10.00am
Parish Communion
(Currently 1st, 2nd & 5th Sundays only)
On all Sundays of the month we have a Parish Communion Service. This service is a more traditional service using Common Worship with hymns, Bible readings and a sermon. There is a Sunday school for primary school age children. This meets in Church and then moves into the Parish Room before rejoining the service in time for Communion and to tell the congregation what they have learnt. This service lasts for about an hour. Following the service refreshments are served.

Sunday 10.00am All Age Service
(Currently 4th Sunday of the month)
On the fourth Sunday of each month we have an All Age Service. An informal service for all ages. The uniformed organisations present their flags and everyone is invited to take part in the service. Well known hymns and Worship songs are chosen and those who have had a birthday in the previous month are sung to. The service lasts for approximately 40 minutes.

Sunday 6.00pm Evensong
(Currently 3rd Sunday alternate months)
On the third Sunday alternate months we have a service of Evensong. This is a traditional service taken from the Prayer Book. It includes hymns, psalm which is sung, sung responses, bible readings, homily (short sermon), prayers and on occasions the choir may sing an anthem. The service lasts for about forty five minutes.

Wednesday 10.00am mid - week Holy Communion
(Currently only 1st Wednesday)
Every Wednesday morning we have a mid-week Holy Communion service held at 10.00am. This service is the same as the 8.00am Sunday service. We use the Prayer Book and the bible readings from the previous Sunday. Once a month extra bread and wine is blessed during the service to be taken out into the parish for those who receive communion at home.

Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer is held (by Zoom) Monday to Friday at 9.00am. This short act of worship lasts for thirty minutes and offers a great start to the day. It consists of reading from the bible and prayers. All are welcome.